
狗万manbetx手机版登录官网Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd。


狗万manbetx手机版登录官网Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd。(总部位于东京Shinagawa-ku;由总裁兼董事会主席Michihiro Kitazawa领导)很高兴地宣布,在2020财年中,它成为了一名列表,该清单旨在认可公司对气候变化和气候变化行动的清单透明信息披露,CDP的最高评级*1,连续第二年。

Fuji Electric’s corporate philosophy is contribute to prosperity, encourage creativity and seek harmony with the environment and, as stated in its management policies, the company is committed to contributing to the creation of a responsible and sustainable society through its energy and environment business with global environmental protection initiatives positioned as a key management challenge.

 As part of its efforts to address climate change, Fuji Electric is working to reduce society’s CO2通过提供与清洁能源有关的设备(例如地热和水力发电生产)以及节能设备(例如电力半导体和逆变器)的排放。
 In addition, Fuji Electric has introduced energy-saving equipment such as energy management systems, inverters and high-efficiency air conditioning systems manufactured in-house in its factories. To deal with greenhouse gases other than CO2,采取措施减少并找到具有高全球变暖潜力的气体的替代品。这样,该公司正在促进生产活动中温室气体排放的减少。
 The intent of Fuji Electric’s Environmental Vision 2050, announced in June 2019, is for Fuji Electric to work toward achieving a low-carbon society, a recycling-oriented society, and a society that is in harmony with nature through initiatives covering its entire supply chain.
 To achieve a low-carbon society, Fuji Electric is aiming for an 80% or more reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over its entire supply chain. The 2030 targets are a 31% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions during production (as compared with FY2013) and an annual 50 million ton reduction in CO2富士电力产品的排放。狗万manbetx手机版登录官网
 In June 2020, Fuji Electric expressed its support for the TCFD*2,用于分析和披露气候变化的财务影响的国际框架。展望未来,富士电气将分析气候变狗万manbetx手机版登录官网化对其业务和价值链的风险和机会,以及这些风险和机会的财务影响,并将调查结果纳入其管理策略并主动披露此信息。

